15 June 1984 A Realistic Approach To Evaluating Digital Imaging Systems
C. F.C Greinacher, E, Bach, K, Muller, K Patzelt
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Proceedings Volume 0454, Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine XII; (1984)
Event: Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine XII, 1984, San Diego, United States
Current systems for the production of medical images and current development trends give a basis of experience for the design of a digital PACS including images and demographic data. Such a PACS must contain software and hardware concepts which permit the medical requirements, as presently understood, to be realized. As part of its research Siemens is designing and evaluating a hybrid network configuration which allows extensive flexibility and growth potential despite current limitations in available network bandwidth and storage capacity. As demand for digital data expands, additional installations can be added to the system. The modular concept permits incorporation of technological advances with minimal difficulty. The system allows different digital imaging modalities to communicate with a central data storage and processing system. Data display facilities both with and without manipulation capability are realized using high speed multi image storage devices. The human interface is designed to be ergono-metric, interactive, and user-friendly. Standardized, commercially available hardware has been included wherever possible to provide economical worldwide acceptance. Estimates of digital data per unit time under different conditions are presented and compared to the specifications of software and hardware elements both currently available and envisaged in the near future. Potential limitations of the design, as well as possible solutions incorporating expected technological developments, are discussed.
© (1984) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
C. F.C Greinacher, E, Bach, K, Muller, and K Patzelt "A Realistic Approach To Evaluating Digital Imaging Systems", Proc. SPIE 0454, Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine XII, (15 June 1984); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Imaging systems

Data storage

Data communications


Picture Archiving and Communication System


Computing systems


The Medical Community's View On PACS
Proceedings of SPIE (January 14 1982)
PACS Status Review: 1983
Proceedings of SPIE (May 16 1983)
Radiology Operations Systems
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