12 December 2001 Technical ways to improve the temperature stability of fiber optic gyros
Youshan Song, Shiqin Zhou, Zheng Lu
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Proceedings Volume 4540, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites V; (2001)
Event: International Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2001, Toulouse, France
Described in this paper are technical ways to improve the temperature stability of fiber optic gyroscopes. The fiber optic gyroscope consists of a super luminescent diode, an integrated optical circuit, a fiber coupler, a polarizing optical fiber coil, a detector and a signal-processing device. The peak wavelength of SLD is 1.3 micrometers . The multifunctional integrated optical circuit that includes a polarizater, a Y type junction coupler and a phase modulator, is manufactured with annealed proton exchange process. The polarizing optical fiber coil is fabricated by applying quadrupolar winding technology. The fiber optic gyroscope can work in high/low temperature, large acceleration, vibration, shock and other harsh environments. It is applied in strapdown inertial navigation systems, directional measuring system in oil-rigs and automobile positioning and guidance.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Youshan Song, Shiqin Zhou, and Zheng Lu "Technical ways to improve the temperature stability of fiber optic gyros", Proc. SPIE 4540, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites V, (12 December 2001);
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Fiber optic gyroscopes

Optical fibers

Photonic integrated circuits

Optical circuits


Integrated optics

Integrated circuit design


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