21 September 2001 Multipose face recognition in a complex background
Changren Zhu, Runsheng Wang
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Proceedings Volume 4550, Image Extraction, Segmentation, and Recognition; (2001)
Event: Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2001, Wuhan, China
Face recognition has wider application fields. In recurrent references, most of the algorithms are with simple background in the static images, and only used for ID picture recognition. It is necessary to study the whole process of multi-pose face recognition in a complex background. In this paper an automatic multi-pose face recognition system with multi-feature is presented. It consists of several steps as following: face detection based on skin-color and multi-verification, detection and location of the face organs based on the combination of an iterative search by a confidence function and template matching at the candidate points with the analysis of multiple features and their projections, feature extraction for recognition, and recognition decision based on a hierarchical face model with the division of the face poses. The new approach is applied to 420 color images that contain multi-pose faces with two visible eyes in a complex background, and the results are satisfactory.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Changren Zhu and Runsheng Wang "Multipose face recognition in a complex background", Proc. SPIE 4550, Image Extraction, Segmentation, and Recognition, (21 September 2001);
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Facial recognition systems

Feature extraction

Image segmentation

Detection and tracking algorithms

Eye models


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