21 February 2002 Science and technology objective (STO) to develop tests for detecting microbial and chemical contaminants in food and water
Paul L. Knechtges, Thomas P. Gargan II, William D. Burrows
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The assurance of safe food and water is paramount to the health and performance of the warfighter. Any technology to assess the chemical and microbial purity of food and water under field conditions must meet rigorous criteria: it must be readily portable, provide timely results (no more than 4 hours), have adequate sensitivity (1 cfu/100 mL for potable water), be compatible with military power sources, and be of complexity appropriate for operation by a Preventive Medicine Specialist. The nomination of an Army Science and Technology Objective (STO) leads to assessment of existing technologies and commercial products; identification of users, regulators and developers; definition of essential capabilities; and consideration of potential obstructions. The U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research has identified a number of technologies for detecting microbial contaminants in food and water and has pursued development of the more promising examples. This paper examines developmental risks in the context of the STO and offers some insight and strategies to manage them.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Paul L. Knechtges, Thomas P. Gargan II, and William D. Burrows "Science and technology objective (STO) to develop tests for detecting microbial and chemical contaminants in food and water", Proc. SPIE 4575, Chemical and Biological Early Warning Monitoring for Water, Food, and Ground, (21 February 2002);
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