17 October 2001 Optical flow networking: a new approach for IP over DWDM services
Jon Anderson
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 4585, Optical Networking; (2001)
Event: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications Conference and Exhibit, 2001, Beijing, China
This paper describes a new architecture for providing a full range of IP services and features in the optical layer. This architecture, called optical flow networking (OFN), uses a new class of device that tightly integrates IP routing and reconfigurable WDM. OFN enables new networking capabilities in four key areas: IP over (lambda) provisioning and routing; flow-based QoS optical packet services; IP/(lambda) traffic engineering and differentiated IP/(lambda) service resiliency. With these capabilities, the OFN IP-optical integrated architecture provides key advantages over the conventional, multi-element overlay approach by enabling intelligent QoS IP/(lambda) networking with overall simplified network operations. Therefore, it is a viable solution for next generation metropolitan IP-based services.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jon Anderson "Optical flow networking: a new approach for IP over DWDM services", Proc. SPIE 4585, Optical Networking, (17 October 2001);
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Network architectures

Optical flow

Optical networks

Time division multiplexing

Dense wavelength division multiplexing

Asynchronous transfer mode



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