23 May 2002 Autostereoscopic field-sequential display with full freedom of movement or Let the display wear the shutter glasses!
Yosh Mantinband, Hillel Goldberg, Ilan Kleinberger, Paul Kleinberger
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Proceedings Volume 4660, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX; (2002)
Event: Electronic Imaging, 2002, San Jose, California, United States
This novel autostereoscopic technology can be used with any light-emitting display, such as CRT, and is intended for single-user applications. Its characteristics include: Full resolution, full freedom of movement with no mechanical latency, and compatibility with existing stereoscopic media. The hardware is contained within a relatively thin layer, which can be produced as a stand-alone product to be placed in front of an existing screen, or built into the front of a standard display device at assembly. This layer allows us to time-share the display between the two eyes (temporal multiplexing). Each image of the stereo pair is shown at the full native resolution of the display. By using self- contained, electronic controls to dynamically adjust the optical geometry within the layer, we control what each eye sees at any moment. This allows full freedom of movement with no mechanical latency. The same information about viewer position can be used to provide a natural look-around effect. In summary, we have created a field-sequential stereo display functionally identical to that provided by LCS glasses - but without the glasses system is compatible with all existing field-sequential stereoscopic media and software.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yosh Mantinband, Hillel Goldberg, Ilan Kleinberger, and Paul Kleinberger "Autostereoscopic field-sequential display with full freedom of movement or Let the display wear the shutter glasses!", Proc. SPIE 4660, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX, (23 May 2002); Logo
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Autostereoscopic displays

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