20 December 2001 TV news story segmentation based on a simple statistical model
Xiaoye Lu, Zhe Feng, Xingquan Zhu, Lide Wu
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 4672, Internet Imaging III; (2001)
Event: Electronic Imaging, 2002, San Jose, California, United States
TV News is a well-structured media, since it has distinct boundaries of semantic units (news stories) and relatively constant content structure. Hence, an efficient algorithm to segment and analyze the structure information among news videos would be necessary for indexing or retrieving a large video database. Lots of researches in this area have been done by using close-caption, speech recognition or Video-OCR to obtain the semantic content, however, these methods put much emphasis on obtaining the text and NLP for semantic understanding. Here, in this paper, we try to solve the problem by integrating statistic model and visual features. First, a video caption and anchorperson shot detection method is presented, after that, a statistic model is used to describe the relationship between the captions and the news story boundaries, then, a news story segmentation method is introduced by integrating all these aforementioned results. The experiment results have proved that the method can be used in acquiring most of the structure information in News programs.
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Xiaoye Lu, Zhe Feng, Xingquan Zhu, and Lide Wu "TV news story segmentation based on a simple statistical model", Proc. SPIE 4672, Internet Imaging III, (20 December 2001);
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Statistical analysis

Statistical modeling



Advanced distributed simulations

Detection and tracking algorithms


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