16 May 2002 Managed PACS operation with an automatic monitoring tool
Jianguo Zhang, Ruolin Han, Dongqing Wu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Jun Zhuang, Jie Feng, Mingpeng Wang, Guozhen Zhang, Cuanfu Wang
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Huadong hospital in Shanghai with 800 beds provides health care services for inpatients and outpatients, as well as special senior and VIP patients. In order to move to digital imaging based radiology practice, and also provide better intra-hospital consultation services for senior and VIP patients, we started to implement PACS for hospital wide services from 1999, and also designed and developed an automatic monitoring system (AMS) to monitor and control PACS operation and dataflow to decrease the total cost of ownership for PACS operation. We installed the AMS on top of the Huadong Hospital PACS in the May of 2001. The installation was painless, did not interrupt the normal PACS operation, and took only one month. The PACS administrators with the AMS can now monitor and control the entire PACS operation in real time, and also track patient and image data flow automatically. These features make administrators take proper action even before user's complaint if any failure happened in any PACS component or process, they reduce the size of the management team, and decrease total cost of PACS ownership.
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Jianguo Zhang, Ruolin Han, Dongqing Wu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Jun Zhuang, Jie Feng, Mingpeng Wang, Guozhen Zhang, and Cuanfu Wang "Managed PACS operation with an automatic monitoring tool", Proc. SPIE 4685, Medical Imaging 2002: PACS and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evaluation, (16 May 2002); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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