30 July 2002 High-repetition-rate excimer lasers for 193-nm lithography
Wolfgang Zschocke, Hans Stephen Albrecht, Thomas Schroeder, Igor Bragin, Peter Lokai, Farid Seddighi, Christian Reusch, Anna Cortona, Kai Schmidt, Rainer Paetzel, Klaus Vogler
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Capital costs and economical efficiency is becoming the most important criteria for any decision on lithography tools for an advanced IC fabrication facility. Each lithography wavelength has to compete for productivity, cost efficiency and return of investment. Reliable high repetition rate laser light sources enabling high illumination power and wafer throughput are one of the fundamental prerequisites. In this paper we report on our recent progress in development of high repetition rate ultra-narrow line and semi-narrow band ArF lasers for advanced 193nm lithography. These lasers are designed for high NA refractive and catadioptic scanner tools targeting the 100 nm node and below. We present key performance data of our high repetition rate ArF- lasers which currently operate at 4 kHz with a spectral bandwidth of < 0.35 pm or 25 pm, and 20 W or 40 W, respectively. Improvements in the laser-internal metrology and faster regulation control result in better energy and wavelength stability, dose control and improved overall operation behavior. Ultra-narrow bandwidth emission combined with an extra ordinary high spectral purity E(95%) < 0.8 pm is achieved by a new design of the optical line narrowing module implemented into the A4005. Improvements in the tube design support a laser operation with repetition rates of greater than > 4kHz and with 75% duty cycle. Data on the main laser parameters in dependence on repetition rate are presented. These results indicate the robust performance of the A4005 for all operation conditions and suitable reliability and lifetime of the modules.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Wolfgang Zschocke, Hans Stephen Albrecht, Thomas Schroeder, Igor Bragin, Peter Lokai, Farid Seddighi, Christian Reusch, Anna Cortona, Kai Schmidt, Rainer Paetzel, and Klaus Vogler "High-repetition-rate excimer lasers for 193-nm lithography", Proc. SPIE 4691, Optical Microlithography XV, (30 July 2002); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Laser development

Laser stabilization

Pulsed laser operation

193nm lithography


Excimer lasers

Semiconducting wafers


The Design Of Excimer Lasers For Use In Microlithography
Proceedings of SPIE (January 01 1988)
Performance of very high repetition rate ArF lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (July 05 2000)
High-power 193-nm excimer lasers for DUV lithography
Proceedings of SPIE (September 14 2001)
ArF excimer laser for 193-nm lithography
Proceedings of SPIE (June 29 1998)

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