4 February 2003 VST project: distributed control system overview
Dario Mancini, Germana Mazzola, C. Molfese, Pietro Schipani, Massimo Brescia, Laurent Marty, Emilio Rossi
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The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) is a co-operative program between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the INAF Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory (OAC), Naples, for the study, design, and realization of a 2.6-m wide-field optical imaging telescope to be operated at the Paranal Observatory, Chile. The telescope design, manufacturing and integration are responsibility of OAC. The VST has been specifically designed to carry out stand-alone observations in the UV to I spectral range and to supply target databases for the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT). The control hardware is based on a large utilization of distributed embedded specialized controllers specifically designed, prototyped and manufactured by the Technology Working Group for VST project. The use of a field bus improves the whole system reliability in terms of high level flexibility, control speed and allow to reduce drastically the plant distribution in the instrument. The paper describes the philosophy and the architecture of the VST control HW with particular reference to the advantages of this distributed solution for the VST project.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dario Mancini, Germana Mazzola, C. Molfese, Pietro Schipani, Massimo Brescia, Laurent Marty, and Emilio Rossi "VST project: distributed control system overview", Proc. SPIE 4837, Large Ground-based Telescopes, (4 February 2003);
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