7 March 2003 Spectroscopy with adaptive optics: example and quality of GraF data
Almas Chalabaev, Etienne Le Coarer, David Le Mignant, Patrick Rabou, Panayoti Petmezakis, Y. Mignart
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We discuss the quality of the spectro-imaging data (integral field spectroscopy) of the GraF instrument used with the ADONIS adaptive optics system at the ESO 3.6 m telescope in 1997-2001. The integral filed spectroscopy was obtained using a Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) in cross-dispersion with a grating spectrograph. A cube of spectro-imaging data at λ ≈ 2200 nm covers a 1.5" x 12.4" sky field sampled with 0.05" pixels; the field is recorded at 384 spectral points with the spectral resolution R ≈ 7000. The maximum field and spectral resolution are wavelength dependent, e.g. λ ≈ 1650 nm the field is 0.9" x 9" sampled with 0.035", recorded at 432 spectral points with R ≈ 10000. A spectrum of a B3III standard in the hydrogen Br-γ 2165.5 nm line and spectro-imaging of the complex central region of the eruptive star η Car in the spectral range 1668-1692 nm, including Br-11 1680.6 nm, [FeII] 1676.9 nm, FeII 1678.7 nm and FeII 1687.3 nm lines, are presented along with the discussion concentrated on the accurate calibration of the spatial point-spread function for the image deconvolution, the photometric monitoring of the FPI spectral scan channels, and on the final quality of the extracted spectra.
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Almas Chalabaev, Etienne Le Coarer, David Le Mignant, Patrick Rabou, Panayoti Petmezakis, and Y. Mignart "Spectroscopy with adaptive optics: example and quality of GraF data", Proc. SPIE 4841, Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes, (7 March 2003);
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Adaptive optics




Spectral resolution

Field spectroscopy

Point spread functions


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