11 March 2003 Supermirror design for the XEUS x-ray telescope
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X-ray telescopes have been providing high sensitivity in X-ray observations in various missions. Recently XMM-Newton achieved an effective area of about 2000 cm2 at 8 keV and a very high sensitivity. For X-ray telescopes in the future, one of the key technologies is to expand the energy band beyond 10 keV. In our previous work, we designed depth-graded multilayers, so called supermirror, for a hard X-ray telescope and it was successfully flown in a balloon flight. This technology is promising to extend the energy band up to 40 keV. We would like to propose supermirror coatings on the mirrors of the XEUS X-ray telescope, which has a focal length of 50 m, a diameter of 4.5 m and a mirror length of 1 m. In this configuration, incident angle is ranging from 0.17 to 0.65 degrees and a large effective area of 30000 cm2 at 8 keV can be achieved. To extend the energy band up to 80 keV, platinum-carbon supermirrors are effective for the incident angle below 0.4 degrees. If the inner part of the XEUS mirrors are coated with multilayers, the effective area will be enhanced above 10 keV and be kept over 100 cm2 up to 80 keV. In this paper, we propose the supermirror design and discuss the performance of the XEUS hard X-ray telescope with supermirrors.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Takashi Okajima, Yasushi Ogasaka, Keisuke Tamura, Akihiro Furuzawa, Yuzuru Tawara, Koujun Yamashita, and Hideyo Kunieda "Supermirror design for the XEUS x-ray telescope", Proc. SPIE 4851, X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, (11 March 2003); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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X-ray telescopes


Hard x-rays





NeXT hard x-ray telescope
Proceedings of SPIE (October 11 2004)
Development of supermirror telescope up to 80 keV
Proceedings of SPIE (March 11 2003)
New multilayer design for ASTRO H hard x ray telescope...
Proceedings of SPIE (October 06 2011)

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