25 June 2002 GLOBE: a highly available and scalable tuplespace
Jakob Eg Larsen, Jesper Honig Spring
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Proceedings Volume 4863, Java/Jini Technologies and High-Performance Pervasive Computing; (2002)
Event: ITCom 2002: The Convergence of Information Technologies and Communications, 2002, Boston, MA, United States
The Linda tuplespace paradigm is increasingly being used in the design of large-scale Internet-based systems. However, centralized tublespace implementations sfufer from both availability and scalability limitations. GLOBE is a distributed and replicated tuplespace that combines high availability and scalability in such heterogeneous and loosely couple systems. The level of availability and scalability of a GLOBE tuplespace can dynamically and independently be adjusted by modifying the number of replicas and partitions in the system. A tuplespace semantics is defined specifically tailored for large-scale, loosely coupled networks. The GLOBE replica update protocols are based on a combination of active operation propagation and anti-entropy propagation in the case of failures. A prototype of GLOBE has been implemented by extending a centralized JavaSpaces implementation. Evaluations of the prototype implementation indicate that distributed and replicated GLOBE tuplespace can outperform a highly loaded centralized tuplespace.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jakob Eg Larsen and Jesper Honig Spring "GLOBE: a highly available and scalable tuplespace", Proc. SPIE 4863, Java/Jini Technologies and High-Performance Pervasive Computing, (25 June 2002);
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