14 February 2003 Iterative algorithm for layered optical remote sensing reflectance modeling of natural waters with depth-dependent aquatic constituent concentrations
Charles R. Bostater Jr., Lisa H. Huddleston, Carrie Semmler, John Mieles
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Proceedings Volume 4880, Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Sea Ice 2002; (2003)
Event: International Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2002, Crete, Greece
This paper describes the radiative transfer of the sun’s electromagnetic energy utilizing a solution to the two-flow irradiance equations that generates fast and accurate estimates of light distributions in any layered media, such as water with depth dependent concentrations of water column constituents. The layered model is designed to generate synthetic water surface reflectance signatures and associated synthetic images, in the presence of depth dependent water constituents, various bottom types, and variable water depths. The layered model accounts for specular (collimated) irradiance below the water’s surface and utilizes boundary conditions that allow the absorption, backscatter, beam attenuation, and conversion (from specular irradiance to diffuse irradiance) coefficients to vary as a function of depth. In addition, the model allows one to compute the influences of submerged targets, bottom types or unique submerged targets or water column layers with defined by their reflectance signatures of unique absorption and backscatter characteristics. Model simulations are presented to demonstrate the utility of the model for development of remote sensing algorithms for use in coastal and marine water types.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Charles R. Bostater Jr., Lisa H. Huddleston, Carrie Semmler, and John Mieles "Iterative algorithm for layered optical remote sensing reflectance modeling of natural waters with depth-dependent aquatic constituent concentrations", Proc. SPIE 4880, Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Sea Ice 2002, (14 February 2003); Logo
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