8 April 2003 ASTER on-board calibration status
Fumihiro Sakuma, Akira Ono, Masahiko Kudoh, Hitomi Inada, Shigeki Akagi, Hirokazu Ohmae
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Proceedings Volume 4881, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VI; (2003)
Event: International Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2002, Crete, Greece
ASTER is a high-resolution optical sensor for observing the Earth on the Terra satellite. ASTER consists of three radiometers, VNIR in the visible and near-infrared region, SWIR in the shortwave infrared region, and TIR in the thermal infrared region. The pre-flight calibration of VNIR and SWIR adopted the working standard large integrating sphere whose radiance levels were traceable to the primary standard fixed-point blackbody. The on-board calibration devices of VNIR and SWIR were two halogen lamps and photodiode monitors. The on-board lamp calibration showed a little shift while launch. In orbit three bands of VNIR showed a rapid decrease in the output signal while all SWIR bands remained stable. The TIR on-board blackbody was calibrated against a standard blackbody from 100 K to 400 K in a vacuum chamber before launch. The TIR is unable to see the dark space. The temperature of the on-board blackbody of TIR remains at 270 K in the short-term calibration for the offset calibration, and is varied from 270 K to 340 K in the long term calibration for the offset and gain calibration. The long term calibration just after launch seemed consistent with the prelaunch calibration but showed a decrease in orbit.
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Fumihiro Sakuma, Akira Ono, Masahiko Kudoh, Hitomi Inada, Shigeki Akagi, and Hirokazu Ohmae "ASTER on-board calibration status", Proc. SPIE 4881, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VI, (8 April 2003); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Short wave infrared radiation

Black bodies

Charge-coupled devices




Onboard calibration status of ASTER
Proceedings of SPIE (October 03 2006)
ASTER instrument calibration plan
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