8 May 2003 Hyperspectral remote sensing monitoring on hot wastewater of Futtsu Power Plant in Tokyo Bay, Japan, using airborne Operational Modular Imaging Spectrometer (OMIS)
Yongchao Zhao, Qingxi Tong, Lanfen Zheng, Bing Zhang, Tuanjie Liu, Chuanqing Wu, Jiwei Bai, Xia Zhang
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An experimental study in monitoring the hot wastewater which is discharged into sea by the Futtsu Power Plant on the east coast of Tokyo Bay, Japan, was carried out in August-September, 2001, by using airborne hyperspectral remote sensing (HRS) sensor OMIS (Operational Modular Imaging Spectrometer). The fundamental progress of experiment, features of OMIS HRS image, data progressing and information extraction technologies, and a primary but successful result are introduced in detail. A new algorithm to extract the features and the infection extension of hot wastewater is developed and suggested in this paper. The algorithm adequately uses the whole spectral range of OMIS according to the general spectral responding characters of water. The water in the whole area is extracted by its spectral features in VNIR at first and then the polluted water is picked out from it by combine-using the MIR and TIR information. As a result, a temperature distribution map is successfully achieved in a test area and some other abnormal points are popped out and therefore some other pollution sources are discovered successfully in the whole scopes. The relatively good results in this paper show that hyperspectral remote sensing technology has a great prospect in detecting ocean and coastal environment both in qualitatively and quantitatively, at least for the hot wastewater. And an OMIS system with the algorithm suggested in this paper is operational for monitoring the infection features of hot wastewater.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yongchao Zhao, Qingxi Tong, Lanfen Zheng, Bing Zhang, Tuanjie Liu, Chuanqing Wu, Jiwei Bai, and Xia Zhang "Hyperspectral remote sensing monitoring on hot wastewater of Futtsu Power Plant in Tokyo Bay, Japan, using airborne Operational Modular Imaging Spectrometer (OMIS)", Proc. SPIE 4892, Ocean Remote Sensing and Applications, (8 May 2003); Logo
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