Good detection, good localization and single response to a single edge are the three performance criteria for edge detection. Based on the mathematical formulations about detection, localization and single response criterion, the paper explains the theory of how to attain the optimal edge detection operator in details. The procedure of designing edge detection operators for any shape edges is introduced by illustrating how to attain the one dimensional step edge optimal detection operator. Based on the three performance criteria, a new edge detector is proposed, which is named as sine-operator. The sine-operator outperforms the first derivative of Gauss function according to the above three criteria. The results show that the sine-operator proposed by the paper can obtain good performance for both one dimensional signal and two dimensional image with noise.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiangjin Deng and Hailiang Peng "Efficient sine-operator for edge detection", Proc. SPIE 4898, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing, (11 June 2003); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.467359
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Edge detection

Signal to noise ratio

Digital filtering

Signal detection

Image processing

Interference (communication)

Digital imaging


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