29 July 2002 Laser measuring machine for 3D noncontact inspection of geometric parameters of grid spacers for nuclear reactors VVER-1000
Oleg I. Bityutsky, I. G. Chapaev, V. M. Chernyshov, Yuri V. Chugui, A. A. Gushchina, Yu. K. Karlov, Konstan I. Kuchinsky, Vladimir I. Ladygin, Yu. V. Pimenov, Sergey V. Plotnikov, V. V. Rozhkov, Victor V. Vertoprakhov, V. P. Yunoshev, M. G. Zarubin
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Proceedings Volume 4900, Seventh International Symposium on Laser Metrology Applied to Science, Industry, and Everyday Life; (2002)
Event: Seventh International Symposium on Laser Metrology Applied to Science, Industry, and Everyday Life, 2002, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Ensuring a high reliability of fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors makes strict demands on geometric parameters of grid spacers. They determine the preset position of the fuel element beam in the transversal and longitudinal directions of fuel assembly and the required tension in the cell — fuel element junction, which is highly important for excluding of fuel element corrosion and for maintenance of normal thermal regime of this assembly. A laser measuring machine (LMM) using a three-channel measuring head based on multipoint structured illumination and scanning X-Y table, for 1 00% noncontact 3D inspection of grid spacers geometric parameters of Russian nuclear reactor VVER- 1000, has been developed and produced at TDI STE. The LMM structure, operation and software are described and the results of its industrial testing are presented and discussed. LMM makes it possible to measure for half an hour (with errors less than 18 ?m) the following grid spacer geometric parameters: diameters of its cells and of guiding channels, the distances between cells centers and shifts of cell centers relative to design drawing. In addition, LMM also measures grid spacer overall dimensions "for spanner".
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Oleg I. Bityutsky, I. G. Chapaev, V. M. Chernyshov, Yuri V. Chugui, A. A. Gushchina, Yu. K. Karlov, Konstan I. Kuchinsky, Vladimir I. Ladygin, Yu. V. Pimenov, Sergey V. Plotnikov, V. V. Rozhkov, Victor V. Vertoprakhov, V. P. Yunoshev, and M. G. Zarubin "Laser measuring machine for 3D noncontact inspection of geometric parameters of grid spacers for nuclear reactors VVER-1000", Proc. SPIE 4900, Seventh International Symposium on Laser Metrology Applied to Science, Industry, and Everyday Life, (29 July 2002); Logo
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