5 September 2002 Generation of blue light in Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser
Jingping Ning, Xiaoguang Li, Xiaochun Lu, Zhiqiang Chen, Jiaqiang Li
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Compact and efficient blue light source are attractive for numerous and technical applications such as laser-based metrology, data storage, medicine, xerography, and biotechnology. Nonlinear frequency conversion remains an attractive route to achieving blue light sources. In this paper we show that 915nm laser diode pumped Yb-doped double clad fiber lasers (YDCFL) can provide efficient 978nm light. Frequency doubling ofthe 978nm line ofYDCFL can else generate blue (489nm) light. We setup theoretical model of Yb-doped double clad blue fiber laser. The threshold and Output powers at 978nm and 489nm versus the fiber length, the core diameter, the size and numerical aperture (NA) of the inner cladding, and pumped power are studied through theoretical simulation. The optimum parameters are obtained. In the design of three-level double-clad fiber lasers, we consider two main considerations: high pump brightness and an optimum balance between spectral filtering and modal gain discrimination. Atype I phase—matched BBO crystal is used to generate second harmonic light(489nm).
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Jingping Ning, Xiaoguang Li, Xiaochun Lu, Zhiqiang Chen, and Jiaqiang Li "Generation of blue light in Yb-doped double-clad fiber laser", Proc. SPIE 4914, High-Power Lasers and Applications II, (5 September 2002); Logo
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