Coblation is a unique method of delivering radiofrequency energy to soft tissue for applications in Otolaryngology (ENT). Using radiofrequency in a bipolar mode with a conductive solution, such as saline. Coblation energizes the ions in the saline to form a localized plasma near the target tissue. The plasma has enough energy to dissociate water molecules from the saline, as well as ionizing the saline salt species, thus forming chemical conditions leading to the breaking of the tissue's molecular bonds. Energetic electrons in the plasma also possess enough energy to directly dissociate tissue chemical bonds. The overall effect results in tissue ablation and localized removal or reduction of tissue volume. The heat dissipated in the process, aided by continual cooling from the surrounding saline solution, produces tissue temperature raises of approximately 45 - 85°C, significantly lower than traditional radio-frequency techniques. Coblation has been used for Otolaryngological applications such as Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), tonsillectomy, turbinate reduction, palate reduction, base of tongue reduction and various Head and Neck cancer procedures. The decreased thermal effect of Coblation has led to less pain and faster recovery for cases where tissue is excised. Several clinical studies have shown the benefits of using Coblation for both extra and intra-capsular tonsillectomy.