19 May 2003 Multigeneration data migration from legacy systems
Osman M. Ratib, Brent J. Liu, Hwa T. Kho, Wenchao Tao, Cun Wang, J. Michael McCoy M.D.
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The migration of image data from different generations of legacy archive systems represents a technical challenge and in incremental cost in transitions to newer generations of PACS. UCLA medical center has elected to completely replace the existing PACS infrastructure encompassing several generations of legacy systems by a new commercial system providing enterprise-wide image management and communication. One of the most challenging parts of the project was the migration of large volumes of legacy images into the new system. Planning of the migration required the development of specialized software and hardware, and included different phases of data mediation from existing databases to the new PACS database prior to the migration of the image data. The project plan included a detailed analysis of resources and cost of data migration to optimize the process and minimize the delay of a hybrid operation where the legacy systems need to remain operational. Our analysis and project planning showed that the data migration represents the most critical path in the process of PACS renewal. Careful planning and optimization of the project timeline and resources allocated is critical to minimize the financial impact and the time delays that such migrations can impose on the implementation plan.
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Osman M. Ratib, Brent J. Liu, Hwa T. Kho, Wenchao Tao, Cun Wang, and J. Michael McCoy M.D. "Multigeneration data migration from legacy systems", Proc. SPIE 5033, Medical Imaging 2003: PACS and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evaluation, (19 May 2003); Logo
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Picture Archiving and Communication System

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