16 July 2003 How to detect Edgar Allan Poe's 'purloined letter,' or cross-correlation algorithms in digitized video images for object identification, movement evaluation, and deformation analysis
Michael Dost, Dietmar Vogel, Thomas Winkler, Juergen Vogel, Rolf Erb, Eva Kieselstein, Bernd Michel
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Cross correlation analysis of digitised grey scale patterns is based on - at least - two images which are compared one to each other. Comparison is performed by means of a two-dimensional cross correlation algorithm applied to a set of local intensity submatrices taken from the pattern matrices of the reference and the comparison images in the surrounding of predefined points of interest. Established as an outstanding NDE tool for 2D and 3D deformation field analysis with a focus on micro- and nanoscale applications (microDAC and nanoDAC), the method exhibits an additional potential for far wider applications, that could be used for advancing homeland security. Cause the cross correlation algorithm in some kind seems to imitate some of the "smart" properties of human vision, this "field-of-surface-related" method can provide alternative solutions to some object and process recognition problems that are difficult to solve with more classic "object-related" image processing methods. Detecting differences between two or more images using cross correlation techniques can open new and unusual applications in identification and detection of hidden objects or objects with unknown origin, in movement or displacement field analysis and in some aspects of biometric analysis, that could be of special interest for homeland security.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Michael Dost, Dietmar Vogel, Thomas Winkler, Juergen Vogel, Rolf Erb, Eva Kieselstein, and Bernd Michel "How to detect Edgar Allan Poe's 'purloined letter,' or cross-correlation algorithms in digitized video images for object identification, movement evaluation, and deformation analysis", Proc. SPIE 5048, Nondestructive Detection and Measurement for Homeland Security, (16 July 2003); Logo
Cited by 11 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Motion analysis


Image processing

Homeland security

Image resolution

Nondestructive evaluation

Image analysis


Introducing multiple-dynamic-windows in thermal imaging
Proceedings of SPIE (March 01 1991)
Forensic video image analysis
Proceedings of SPIE (February 10 1997)
Videoanalysis of involuntary eye movements
Proceedings of SPIE (July 16 2002)
Content adaptive enhancement of video images
Proceedings of SPIE (October 15 2012)

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