10 October 2003 4-μm cut-off MOVPE Hg1-xCdxTe hybrid arrays with near BLIP performance at 180K
Leslie G. Hipwood, Neil T. Gordon, Chris L. Jones, C. D. Maxey, Chris Shaw, J. Pilkington, Rose A. Catchpole
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Recent advances in MOVPE growth and heterostructure fabrication technology mean that infrared detector arrays based on Hg1-xCdxTe now have the potential to produce high performance imagery when operated in the temperature range 150-200 K. This has a number of system advantages including reduced cooler power consumption and increased cooler life. This paper reports the fabrication and assessment of a MW staring array with a cut-off of 4 μm at 150 K for intermediate temperature operation. Near background limited (BLIP) performance was achieved at temperatures up to 180 K with a median NETD better than 12 mK. Above this temperature, the array still operates normally however there is an exponential increase in the number of noisy pixels, and the median NETD degrades more rapidly than predicted from Shot noise. This behavior is consistent with increased low frequency or 1/f noise at the higher temperatures. This excess noise is not a fundamental limitation and if it could be eliminated, the array would remain close to BLIP up to 200 K.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Leslie G. Hipwood, Neil T. Gordon, Chris L. Jones, C. D. Maxey, Chris Shaw, J. Pilkington, and Rose A. Catchpole "4-μm cut-off MOVPE Hg1-xCdxTe hybrid arrays with near BLIP performance at 180K", Proc. SPIE 5074, Infrared Technology and Applications XXIX, (10 October 2003); Logo
Cited by 7 scholarly publications.
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Temperature metrology





Staring arrays



The third generation cooled IR detector approach in France
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(Hgzn)Te Infrared Detectors Performances
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