11 September 2003 A systems description of a functioning broadband electro-optical mine detection sensor
Siegfried Kempinger, Ian J. Chant
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The Rapid Route Area Mine Neutralisation System (RRAMNS) has been constructed by the Defence Science and Technology Organization (DSTO) as a concept demonstrator to investigate issues of dynamically detecting land mines. Three main sensors are mounted on a mobile platform to acquire target information. The passive imaging sensor suite centers on the visible and infrared wavelengths while the ground penetrating radar and EM instrument constitute the active sensor arrays. Through a process of sensor fusion, which takes place in a following vehicle, the detection signals of each sensor are fused to enhance the rate of detection. This paper will discuss the RRAMNS electro optical sensor array from a systems point of view. In its current configuration, the imaging system (IS) is showing considerable promise as a mobile optical detector. Early system trials have shown surface deployed anti-personnel mines are readily detectable as are larger classes of mines. Buried mines have also been detected and can be distinguished from buried shrapnel fragments and rocks. The imaging system has also been designed as a diagnostic tool to investigate phenomena associated with the detection of mines in a range of environmental conditions.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Siegfried Kempinger and Ian J. Chant "A systems description of a functioning broadband electro-optical mine detection sensor", Proc. SPIE 5089, Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets VIII, (11 September 2003);
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Imaging systems

Image fusion

Image processing

Infrared cameras

Land mines


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