28 January 2004 Beam splitting and recombining of the radiation from an EUV free-electron laser by means of reflection gratings
Luca Poletto, Paolo Azzolin, Giuseppe Tondello, Giampiero Naletto
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We present the optical design of systems for the splitting of the radiation from a FEL at 40 and 10 nm, in the framework of a proposal made fro Elettra Synchrotron (Trieste, Italy) to the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research for the construction and operation of an ultra-high brillance source in the EUV and soft X-ray region. It is important to design systems for the beam-splitting of the EUV radiation, both for having the FEL radiation available simultaneously to several experiments, and for the division and recombination of the beam (pump-probe techniques). We present systems with a grazing-incidence plane grating, which is illuminated by the single FEL beam and gives several output beams (the zero order and the diffracted orders). The grating gives intrinsically a time stretching of the diffracted beam, so time-compensated configurations must be used, i.e. the configurations in which a second grating compensates for the distortion given by the first grating. Different systems are presented: 1) splitting of the primary beam in several secondary beams for different experiments; 2) splitting and recombining of the primary beam in two beams with variable delay from two different directions; 3) splitting and recombining of the primary beam in two beams with variable delay and same direction.
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Luca Poletto, Paolo Azzolin, Giuseppe Tondello, and Giampiero Naletto "Beam splitting and recombining of the radiation from an EUV free-electron laser by means of reflection gratings", Proc. SPIE 5194, Fourth-Generation X-Ray Sources and Ultrafast X-Ray Detectors, (28 January 2004); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Diffraction gratings

Beam splitters


Free electron lasers


Extreme ultraviolet

Ultrafast phenomena

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