25 September 2003 Scalable reduced dimension face object segmentation and tracking
Lei Zhang, Guo-Fang Tu
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Proceedings Volume 5286, Third International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition; (2003)
Event: Third International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2003, Beijing, China
SScalable reduced dimension face object segmentation and tracking (SRDOST) based on wavelet is presented in this paper. SRDOST algorithm is taken advantage of the characteristic of wavelet coefficeints multiresolution in the same direction, which makes SRDOST be applied to detect and track the video object of a reduced dimension image with much lower complexity and more sufficient accuracy. The number of image data at the lowest frequency subband is about one of (2level)2 to that of the original image so that the detection complexity at the lowest frequency subband may reduce greatly. It is important that SRDOST may be a multiresolution object segmentation algorithm based on wavelet transform, which may bring a family of video object sequence (VOS) with different resolutions. So SRDOST is a low complexity and efficient object segmentation algorithm. The proposed algorithm is to be integrated with our video object based wavelet color video coding with motion compensation algorithm.
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Lei Zhang and Guo-Fang Tu "Scalable reduced dimension face object segmentation and tracking", Proc. SPIE 5286, Third International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, (25 September 2003);
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Image segmentation

Detection and tracking algorithms


Facial recognition systems


Wavelet transforms

Image processing algorithms and systems


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