19 March 2004 Constructing full-view panoramic image based on spherical model
Shungang Hua, Zongying Ou, Xiaodong Wang
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Proceedings Volume 5444, Fourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry; (2004)
Event: Fourth International Conference On Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry, 2003, Tianjin, China
An effective algorithm for automatic matching between images based on spherical warping model is proposed in this paper. A spherical panoramic image is constructed for a sequence of images taken from a hand-held camera. The focal length of camera is estimated efficiently by using the algorithm of equidistant matching, and images are warped to the surface of sphere whose radius equals to camera focal length. A longitude can be found when image strips located at an equal distance from the image centers moved some angular distance on the spherical surface, thus a pairs of overlapping images can be registered, so image sequences of each swath are stitched to construct panoramic image mosaics, then the panoramic image of different swaths can be stitched to generate the full view spherical panoramic image. The experimental result is satisfactory.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shungang Hua, Zongying Ou, and Xiaodong Wang "Constructing full-view panoramic image based on spherical model", Proc. SPIE 5444, Fourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry, (19 March 2004); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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