13 July 2004 Computer simulations on the influence of initial conditions and geometries of experiment on the resonances of coherent population trapping on fine structure levels of thallium atoms
Tamara Ya. Karagodova, Alexander I. Karagodov, Yu. Suhova
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We consider peculiarities of coherent population trapping (CPT) effect on magnetic sublevels of fine structure levels for Thallium (TI) atoms. The system of levels taken into account consists of eight levels. By considering spontaneous decay onto the levels of thermostat we have found the solutions of Schroedinger equation in resonant approximation and so we have found the populations of magnetic sublevels. We have considered different geometries of experiment. Among them there are the cases for which the polarization vectors of both components of radiation fields are parallel to each other and parallel or perpendicular to magnetic field, polarization vectors are perpendicular to each other (one of them is parallel to magnetic field). Also the orientation of magnetic field may be parallel or perpendicular to wave vector of radiation field. Also we have considered different initial populations of magnetic sublevels. In contrary to trivial initial populations of sublevels of the ground state of an atom we have considered the initial population of another metastable fine structure level of TI atom. This situation can take place for atomic photofragments produced in the photodissotiation of diatomic molecules.
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Tamara Ya. Karagodova, Alexander I. Karagodov, and Yu. Suhova "Computer simulations on the influence of initial conditions and geometries of experiment on the resonances of coherent population trapping on fine structure levels of thallium atoms", Proc. SPIE 5476, Saratov Fall Meeting 2003: Laser Physics and Photonics, Spectroscopy, and Molecular Modeling IV, (13 July 2004);
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