Open Access Paper
25 October 2004 Using adaptive optics to probe the dynamics and star formation in active galactic nuclei
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Using adaptive optics on the Keck Telescope and the VLT, we are able to probe the dynamics and star formation in Seyfert and QSO nuclei on spatial scales better than 0.1" in the H- and K-bands. Such spectroscopic data are essential for studying the link between AGN and star formation, understanding how gas is driven into the nucleus, and measuring the black hole mass. In this contribution we present some of our recent results, and consider what an astronomer needs from an adaptive optics system for extragalactic work, as well as what is realistic to expect. We discuss why deconvolution is not appropriate in this context; and examine the scientifically more useful alternative of convolving a model with an estimate of the PSF, describing what level of detail and reliability can actually be achieved in the various methods of measuring the PSF.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Richard I. Davies, Linda Tacconi, Reinhard Genzel, Thomas Ott, and Sebastian Rabien "Using adaptive optics to probe the dynamics and star formation in active galactic nuclei", Proc. SPIE 5490, Advancements in Adaptive Optics, (25 October 2004); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Point spread functions

Adaptive optics

Galactic astronomy

K band


Carbon monoxide

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