26 October 2004 Science commissioning of the atmospheric chemistry experiment (ACE)
Kaley A. Walker, Jiansheng Zou, Florian Nichitiu, Kathleen L. Gilbert, David Turnbull, C. Thomas McElroy, Wayne F. J. Evans, Chris S. Ferguson, Eldon Puckrin, Chris Boone, Sean D. McLeod, Michael Butler, Clive Midwinter, James R. Drummond, Peter F. Bernath
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The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) was launched in August 2003 on board the Canadian scientific satellite SciSat-1. The ACE payload consists of two instruments: ACE-FTS, a high resolution (0.02 cm-1) Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and MAESTRO (Measurement of Aerosol Extinction in the Stratosphere and Troposphere Retrieved by Occultation), a dual UV-visible-NIR spectrograph. Primarily, the two instruments use a solar occultation technique to make measurements of trace gases, temperature, pressure and atmospheric extinction. It will also be possible to make near-nadir observations with the ACE instruments. The on-orbit commissioning of the instruments and spacecraft were undertaken in the months following launch. At the end of this period, a series of science-oriented commissioning activities were undertaken. These activities had two aims: the first was to verify and extend the measurement results obtained during the pre-launch Science Calibration Test campaign and the second was to confirm appropriate parameters and establish procedures for operational measurements (occultation and near-nadir observations and exo-atmospheric calibration measurements). One of the most important activities was to determine the relative location of each instrument field of view and optimize the pointing of the sun-tracker to provide the best viewing for both instruments.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kaley A. Walker, Jiansheng Zou, Florian Nichitiu, Kathleen L. Gilbert, David Turnbull, C. Thomas McElroy, Wayne F. J. Evans, Chris S. Ferguson, Eldon Puckrin, Chris Boone, Sean D. McLeod, Michael Butler, Clive Midwinter, James R. Drummond, and Peter F. Bernath "Science commissioning of the atmospheric chemistry experiment (ACE)", Proc. SPIE 5542, Earth Observing Systems IX, (26 October 2004);
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Imaging systems

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Atmospheric chemistry


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