17 January 2005 Most favorable camera configuration for a shape-from-silhouette markerless motion capture system for biomechanical analysis
Lars Mundermann, Stefano Corazza, Ajit M. Chaudhari, Eugene J. Alexander, Thomas P. Andriacchi
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Proceedings Volume 5665, Videometrics VIII; 56650T (2005)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2005, 2005, San Jose, California, United States
The most common methods for accurate capture of three-dimensional human motion require a laboratory environment and the attachment of markers or fixtures to the body segments. These laboratory conditions can cause unknown experimental artifacts. Thus our understanding of normal and pathological human movement would be enhanced by a method that allows capture of human movement without the constraint of markers or fixtures placed on the body. Markerless methods are not widely available because the accurate capture of human movement without markers is technically challenging. A reported method of constructing a body's visual hull using shape-from-silhouette (SFS) offers an attractive approach. However, to date the influence of camera placement and number of cameras on construction of visual hulls for biomechanical analysis is largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of SFS construction of a human form for biomechanical analysis dependent on camera placement and number of cameras. Visual hull construction was sensitive to camera placement and the subject's pose. Uniform camera distributions such as circular and hemispherical camera arrangements provided most favorable results. Setups with less than 8 cameras yielded largely inaccurate visual hull constructions and great fluctuations for different poses and positions across a viewing volume, while setups with 16 and more cameras provided good volume estimations and consistent results for different poses and positions across the viewing volume.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lars Mundermann, Stefano Corazza, Ajit M. Chaudhari, Eugene J. Alexander, and Thomas P. Andriacchi "Most favorable camera configuration for a shape-from-silhouette markerless motion capture system for biomechanical analysis", Proc. SPIE 5665, Videometrics VIII, 56650T (17 January 2005); Logo
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