22 January 2005 Bi-axial magnetic drive for scanned beam display mirrors
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A novel MEMS actuation technique has been developed for scanned beam display and imaging applications that allows driving a two-axes scanning mirror to wide angles at high frequency. This actuation technique delivers sufficient torque to allow non-resonant operation as low as DC in the slow-scan axis while at the same time allowing one-atmosphere operation even at fast-scan axis frequencies great enough to support SXGA resolutions. Several display and imaging products have been developed employing this new MEMS actuation technique. Exceptionally good displays can be made by scanning laser beams much the same way a CRT scans electron beams. The display applications can be as diverse as an automotive head up display, where the laser beams are scanned onto the inside of the car’s windshield to be reflected into the driver’s eyes, and a head-worn display where the light beams are scanned directly over the viewer’s vision. For high performance displays the design challenges for a MEMS scanner are great. The scanner represents the system’s limiting aperture so it must be of sufficient size; it must remain flat to fractions of a wavelength so as to not distort the beam’s wave front; it must scan fast enough to handle the many millions of pixels written every second; and it must scan in two axes over significant angles in order to “paint” a wide angle, two-dimensional image. Using the new actuation method described, several MEMS scanner designs have been fabricated which meet the requirements of a variety of display and imaging applications.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Randy B. Sprague, Tom Montague, and Dean Brown "Bi-axial magnetic drive for scanned beam display mirrors", Proc. SPIE 5721, MOEMS Display and Imaging Systems III, (22 January 2005); Logo
Cited by 32 scholarly publications and 11 patents.
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Microelectromechanical systems

Heads up displays




MEMS scanners for display and imaging applications
Proceedings of SPIE (October 25 2004)
High-performance versatile HMDs
Proceedings of SPIE (September 10 2003)

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