18 August 2005 Homogeneity of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of ZEDRODUR
Ralf Jedamzik, Thorsten Doehring, Rolf Mueller, Peter Hartmann
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The low thermal expansion glass ceramic ZERODUR is the material of choice for many big astronomical telescope projects like VLT, Keck I + II, HET, LAMOST and GRANTECAN (GTC). For future giant telescope projects like OWL or TMT with at least several hundreds of mirror blanks the CTE homogeneity within a single blank and from blank to blank is an crucial issue. The ZERODUR production process is based on established and proven methods used in the production of high homogeneity optical glasses. Therefore ZERODUR itself is a material of highest homogeneity even in large dimensions and huge quantities. This paper presents an evaluation of the homogeneity of the thermal expansion coefficient within more than 250 mirror blanks. The observed homogeneity range is only slightly larger than the repeatability of the standard dilatometer measurement of ±0.005*10-6 K-1. To improve the accuracy of measurement and to get a deeper understanding of the thermal expansion behaviour of ZERODUR a new dilatometer was built exhibiting a repeatability of ±0.001*10-6 K-1. Detailed evaluations of the thermal expansion coefficient homogeneity of a 100 mm x 100 mm ZERODUR test block showed no variation within the repeatability of measurement of the improved dilatometer.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ralf Jedamzik, Thorsten Doehring, Rolf Mueller, and Peter Hartmann "Homogeneity of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of ZEDRODUR", Proc. SPIE 5868, Optical Materials and Structures Technologies II, 58680S (18 August 2005); Logo
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Temperature metrology

Large telescopes


Large optical glass blanks for the ELT generation
Proceedings of SPIE (July 22 2016)
Manufacturing of lightweighted ZERODUR components at SCHOTT
Proceedings of SPIE (September 15 2007)
ZERODUR for large segmented telescopes
Proceedings of SPIE (February 04 2003)
Advanced processing of the Zerodur R glass ceramic
Proceedings of SPIE (November 01 1991)

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