9 June 1986 Reasoning About Iconic Data In Artificial Vision
Giovanni Adorni, Lina Massone, Giulio Sandini, Emanuele Trucco
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Proceedings Volume 0595, Computer Vision for Robots; (1986)
Event: 1985 International Technical Symposium/Europe, 1985, Cannes, France
This paper deals with the extraction of multiple features and with iconic segmentation of images, with the purpose of providing a description of image entities like, for example, closed contours. In particular we will show how multiple sources of information can be integrated in a Iconic Data-Base, and how this data-base can be suitably organized for symbolic manipulation. Finally, the heuristics used to segment images of a simplified real world (a low scale model of an office-like environment whose objects are composed of planar surfaces) will be described, together with their actions on a Symbolic Data-Base.
© (1986) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Giovanni Adorni, Lina Massone, Giulio Sandini, and Emanuele Trucco "Reasoning About Iconic Data In Artificial Vision", Proc. SPIE 0595, Computer Vision for Robots, (9 June 1986);
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Image segmentation

Machine vision


Computer vision technology

Robot vision

Image processing

Image filtering


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