4 January 2006 A 2D radar imaging method of space debris based on Doppler information
Hui Tang, Weidong Hu, Wenxian Yu
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Proceedings Volume 5985, International Conference on Space Information Technology; 59854P (2006)
Event: International Conference on Space information Technology, 2005, Wuhan, China
Shape and size estimation of space debris is an important issue of space debris observation. Generally speaking, space debris is prolate, and follows a simple roll rotation motion around the major axis. In virtue of its own shape and motion features, a two-dimensional radar imaging method of small space debris employing low resolution radar is proposed in this paper. The method recurs to time-frequency analysis technology to obtain the time-instantaneous Doppler distribution of all Scattering centers on the target, and then rearranges the distribution according to aspect angles to acquire target's cross range-aspect angle distribution, and finally reassigns respective points' power in the cross range-aspect angle distribution to gain target image. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the impact of reference center's uniform accelerated motion relative to radar on imaging, and presents corresponding solutions. Simulation results reveal the validity of the method, and target image has a resolution of approximate wave length.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hui Tang, Weidong Hu, and Wenxian Yu "A 2D radar imaging method of space debris based on Doppler information", Proc. SPIE 5985, International Conference on Space Information Technology, 59854P (4 January 2006);
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Doppler effect


Radar imaging

Image resolution

Time-frequency analysis

Image processing


Adaptive time-frequency ISAR processing
Proceedings of SPIE (November 05 1996)

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