20 January 2006 CR image filter methods research based on wavelet-domain hidden markov models
Jun-li Wang, Yun-peng Wang, Da-yi Li, Shi-wu Li, Hai-lin Kui
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Proceedings Volume 6027, ICO20: Optical Information Processing; 60270V (2006)
Event: ICO20:Optical Devices and Instruments, 2005, Changchun, China
In the procedure of computed radiography imaging, we should firstly get across the characters of kinds of noises and the relationship between the image signals and noises. Based on the specialties of computed radiography (CR) images and medical image processing, we have study the filtering methods for computed radiography images noises. On the base of analyzing computed radiography imaging system in detail, the author think that the major two noises are Gaussian white noise and Poisson noise. Then, the different relationship of between two kinds of noises and signal were studied completely. By considering both the characteristics of computed radiography images and the statistical features of wavelet transformed images, a multiscale image filtering algorithm, which based on two-state hidden markov model (HMM) and mixture Gaussian statistical model, has been used to decrease the Gaussian white noise in computed images. By using EM (Expectation Maximization) algorithm to estimate noise coefficients in each scale and obtain power spectrum matrix, then this carried through the syncretized two Filter that are IIR(infinite impulse response) Wiener Filter and HMM, according to scale size ,and achieve the experiments as well as the comparison with other denoising methods were presented at last.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jun-li Wang, Yun-peng Wang, Da-yi Li, Shi-wu Li, and Hai-lin Kui "CR image filter methods research based on wavelet-domain hidden markov models", Proc. SPIE 6027, ICO20: Optical Information Processing, 60270V (20 January 2006); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Expectation maximization algorithms

Wavelet transforms

Image filtering

Medical imaging

Interference (communication)



Medicine image denoising using wavelet transform
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