21 August 2005 Fruit image segmentation based on a novel watershed algorithm
Hao Zhu, Wenyao Liu
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Proceedings Volume 6027, ICO20: Optical Information Processing; 602734 (2005)
Event: ICO20:Optical Devices and Instruments, 2005, Changchun, China
Previous research about automatic vision systems applied to fruit imaging segmentation fails. Watershed transformation is a powerful morphological tool for image segmentation. However, the performance of segmentation methods based on watershed depends largely on gradient of the image. It's not perfect to segment object with single-scale gradient. In this paper we present a multi-scale algorithm for computing morphological gradient images, after this transformation, there exists a strict causality between gradient watershed under different scales of geodesic reconstruction. The results demonstrate the superior performance of the watershed segmentation over the conventional techniques.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hao Zhu and Wenyao Liu "Fruit image segmentation based on a novel watershed algorithm", Proc. SPIE 6027, ICO20: Optical Information Processing, 602734 (21 August 2005);
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Image segmentation

Image processing algorithms and systems

Reconstruction algorithms


Image analysis

Image processing

Imaging systems

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