3 November 2005 Three-dimensional double directional filter for tracking and detecting moving dim weak target
Meng Li, Tianxu Zhang, Weidong Yang, Haiceng Mao
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Proceedings Volume 6044, MIPPR 2005: Image Analysis Techniques; 60441F (2005)
Event: MIPPR 2005 SAR and Multispectral Image Processing, 2005, Wuhan, China
The aim of the present work is to assess the performance of three-dimensional Double Directional Filtering (TDDDF) algorithm for detecting and tracking a weak moving dim target against a complex cluttered background in infrared image sequences. This paper proposes an novel TDDDF to improve the integrated signal-to-clutter ratio (ISCR) and enhance the three-dimensional directional filter's (TDDF) target energy accumulation ability further. Since the TDDDF do well to whitening noise (or quasi whitening noise) but not so sensitive to complex cloudscene background, prior to the filtering, a newly pre-whitening method termed Spatial-Temporal Adaptive Filtering algorithm is used here to suppress clutter background. Extensive experiment results demonstrate the proposed algorithm's ability in detecting weak dim point target against cloud-cluttered background. Finally, performance comparisons of the proposed algorithm and TDDF, on real IR image data, are presented in which the advantages of the proposed TDDDF filters are shown.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Meng Li, Tianxu Zhang, Weidong Yang, and Haiceng Mao "Three-dimensional double directional filter for tracking and detecting moving dim weak target", Proc. SPIE 6044, MIPPR 2005: Image Analysis Techniques, 60441F (3 November 2005);
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Detection and tracking algorithms

3D acquisition

Target detection

Optical filters

Electronic filtering

Image filtering

Image processing algorithms and systems

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