22 February 2006 High-efficient 650 nm laser bars with an output power of about 10 W and a wall-plug efficiency of 30%
Bernd Sumpf, Martin Zorn, Ralf Staske, Jörg Fricke, Peter Ressel, Götz Erbert, Markus Weyers, Günther Tränkle
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In this paper, results for 650 nm high-power broad area lasers and bars will be presented. The optimized layer structure consists of GaInP quantum wells embedded in AlGaInP waveguide layers. The n-cladding layer consists of AlInP, the p-cladding layer of AlGaAs. The vertical far field of this structure has a width below 32° (FWHM). Devices were fabricated and mounted p-side down on CuW heat spreader using AuSn solder. Broad area lasers reach a maximum output power of 0.94 W at 15°C limited only by thermal rollover. Up to now reliable operation at 500 mW over 6300 h was achieved. The spectral width of the emission is below 1 nm (FWHM). Bars consisting of 19 emitters with 30 μm x 750 μm reached a maximum output power of 9.6 W and a wall-plug efficiency of 30%. Reliable operation from a 5 mm bar at 5 W and 15°C over 1500 h was shown.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bernd Sumpf, Martin Zorn, Ralf Staske, Jörg Fricke, Peter Ressel, Götz Erbert, Markus Weyers, and Günther Tränkle "High-efficient 650 nm laser bars with an output power of about 10 W and a wall-plug efficiency of 30%", Proc. SPIE 6133, Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers V, 61330D (22 February 2006); Logo
Cited by 9 scholarly publications.
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Semiconductor lasers

Quantum wells

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