7 March 2006 The combination of multiphoton and reflected confocal microscopy for cornea imaging
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Proceedings Volume 6138, Ophthalmic Technologies XVI; 61380M (2006)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2006, San Jose, California, United States
The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the combination of reflective confocal microscopy and multiphoton microscopy and its application in imaging cornea. The difficulty of optically imaging the highly translucent cornea has prevented the development of an effective non-invasive system for the clinical monitoring of the physiological or pathological states of corneas. In this work, we combine reflective confocal microscopy with multiphoton microscopy to demonstrate the potential of our methodology in the minimally invasive imaging of the cornea. The visible reflection signals from cornea can provide structural information of interfaces of different refractive indices while the multiphoton signals generated from the use of near infrared excitation allows deep tissue penetration and reduced photo-damage. In multiphoton imaging, the second harmonic generation (SHG) signal is used to detect collagen in the stroma of the cornea, and the reflective confocal imaging allows detection of the cellular components located in the epithelium. The combination of reflective and multiphoton imaging can be used to reveal complementary structural information of the corneal architecture.. The system is first tested on porcine eye cornea. Assessment of the result on the porcine eye will be used to evaluate the potential of the system as a technique for in vivo clinical applications.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Wei-Liang Chen, Wen Lo, Yen Sun, Sung-Jan Lin, Hsin-Yuan Tan, and Chen-Yuan Dong "The combination of multiphoton and reflected confocal microscopy for cornea imaging", Proc. SPIE 6138, Ophthalmic Technologies XVI, 61380M (7 March 2006); Logo
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Confocal microscopy


Second-harmonic generation

Multiphoton microscopy

Signal detection


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