17 May 2006 Bi-color and dual-band HgCdTe infrared focal plane arrays at DEFIR
G. Destefanis, P. Ballet, J. Baylet, P. Castelein, O. Gravrand, J. Rothman, F. Rothan, G. Perrais, J.P. Chamonal, A. Million, P. Tribolet, B. Terrier, E. Sanson, P. Costa, L. Vial
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The purpose of this paper is to present the latest developments in Defir (LETI / Sofradir joint laboratory) in the field of bi-color and dual band infrared focal plane arrays (FPA) made with HgCdTe. The npn structure is achieved using the Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) technique, planar ion implantation, and both dry and wet etching steps. This back to back diode architecture that allows a perfect spatial coherence with a high field factor and large quantum efficiencies needs only one indium bump connection per pixel. This makes it possible to achieve small pitches (below 25μm) and opens the way to the fabrication of large FPAs (TV/4 to TV) with reasonable wafer sizes. In this paper we present electro optical characterizations of 256x256 prototypes fabricated in Defir operating in two MWIR bands (3.1 and 5μm) with a pitch of 25μm that exhibit background limited performances together with a very high operability (above 99.9%) and NEDT below 22mK for integration time of only 0.5ms. In parallel an industrial product soon available from Sofradir has been developed with a 320x256 format and with a 30μm pitch operating in the same bands. This product exhibits the same operability and NETD as low as 15mK for an integration time as short as 1 ms. Finally, last results regarding 256x256 prototypes operating in MWIR/LWIR bands are presented, together with preliminary APD operating mode for the MWIR photodiodes of this last dual band detector.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
G. Destefanis, P. Ballet, J. Baylet, P. Castelein, O. Gravrand, J. Rothman, F. Rothan, G. Perrais, J.P. Chamonal, A. Million, P. Tribolet, B. Terrier, E. Sanson, P. Costa, and L. Vial "Bi-color and dual-band HgCdTe infrared focal plane arrays at DEFIR", Proc. SPIE 6206, Infrared Technology and Applications XXXII, 62060R (17 May 2006); Logo
Cited by 15 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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