9 May 2006 A Franco-German unmanned countermine system demonstrator
F. Le Gusquet, F. Useo, V. Marion, A. Kaspari, D. Hembise, K. Neugebauer, F. Gerard
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In May 2003, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of France awarded a contract to RHEINMETALL LANDSYSTEME GmbH (Germany), MBDA (France) and THALES (France) for the joint development of a technology demonstrator for a vehicle-based close-in countermine system. The objective of this cooperation project, known as MMSR-SYDERA, is to show that, in a full-scale development program, it will be possible to meet the joint operational requirements issued by the German and French armies, which are based on the following missions: Fast route opening, Sensitive route opening and Area Clearing. In order to fulfill the three different missions and deal with an extensive array of mine threats, the MMSR-SYDERA countermine system combines two modes of countermine operation, i.e. triggering mines at a safe distance or with only easy-to-repair-damages (so-called decoying) or detecting mines with sensors for low-order clearing. Thus, the plan requires for the MMSR-SYDERA system to be composed of five vehicles deployed in different configurations in a convoy on the roads to be cleared. One year after the first paper, this article reports the status of the Demonstrator as well as the first vehicle level trials, and focuses on specific topics like the embedded safety components and behaviors linked to the remote control operation, and the wireless links used between the vehicles. After industrial system trials in the second half of 2006, Customer's evaluations of the system demonstrator will be carried out at the beginning of 2007.
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F. Le Gusquet, F. Useo, V. Marion, A. Kaspari, D. Hembise, K. Neugebauer, and F. Gerard "A Franco-German unmanned countermine system demonstrator", Proc. SPIE 6230, Unmanned Systems Technology VIII, 623014 (9 May 2006);
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