18 May 2006 A new methodology for recognition and reconstruction of moving rigid-body targets
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This paper presents a novel methodology for target recognition and reconstruction of rigid body moving targets. Traditional methods such as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) rely on information gathered from multiple sensor locations and complex processing algorithms. Additional processing is often required to mitigate the effects of motion and improve the image resolution. Many of these techniques rely on information external to the target such as target radar signatures and neglect information available from the structure of the target, structural invariance, and kinematics. This revolutionary target reconstruction method incorporates information not traditionally used. As a result, the absolute position of target scattering centers can theoretically be determined with external, high resolution radar range information from three observations of four target scattering centers. Relative motion between the target and the sensor and structural invariance provide additional information for determining position of the target's scattering center, actual scaling, and angular orientation with respect to the sensor for reconstruction and imaging. This methodology is based on the kinematics of rotational motion resulting from relative movement between the sensor and the target. External range data provides one-dimensional information for determining position in a two-dimensional projection of the scattering centers. The range location of the scattering center, relative to a defined center, is analyzed using rotational motion. Range and target kinematics support the development of a conceptual model. Actual scaling and the target's orientation with respect to the sensor are developed through a series of trigonometric relationships. The resulting three-dimensional coordinates for the scattering centers are then used for target reconstruction and image enhancement.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Salvatore Fazio and Lang Hong "A new methodology for recognition and reconstruction of moving rigid-body targets", Proc. SPIE 6234, Automatic Target Recognition XVI, 62340C (18 May 2006); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Data centers


Target recognition

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