18 May 2006 Toward practical pattern-theoretic ATR algorithms for infrared imagery
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Techniques for automatic target recognition (ATR) in forward-looking infrared (FLIR) data based on Grenander's pattern theory are revisited. The goal of this work is to unify two techniques: one for multi-target detection and recognition of pose and target type, and another for structured inference of forward-looking infrared (FLIR) thermal states of complex objects. The multi-target detection/recognition task is accomplished through a Metropolis-Hastings jump-diffusion process that iteratively samples a Bayesian posterior distribution representing the desired parameters of interest in the FLIR imagery. The inference of the targets' thermal states is accomplished through an expansion in terms of "eigentanks" derived from a principle component analysis over target surfaces. These two techniques help capture much of the variability inherent in FLIR data. Coupled with future work on rapid detection and penalization strategies to reduce false alarms, we strive for a unified technique for FLIR ATR following the pattern-theoretic philosophy that may be implemented for practical applications.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jason H. Dixon and Aaron D. Lanterman "Toward practical pattern-theoretic ATR algorithms for infrared imagery", Proc. SPIE 6234, Automatic Target Recognition XVI, 62340R (18 May 2006);
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Forward looking infrared

Automatic target recognition

Target detection

Detection and tracking algorithms

Infrared imaging

Infrared radiation



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