13 October 2006 THz oscillations from optically anisotropic planar microcavities and organic microcavity lasers
Robert Gehlhaar, Marko Swoboda, Markas Sudzius, Michael Hoffmann, Hartmut Fröb, Vadim G. Lyssenko, Karl Leo
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Proceedings Volume 6368, Optoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application III; 63680P (2006)
Event: Optics East 2006, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
We present a study of time-resolved transmission and emission properties of optically anisotropic planar microcavity structures. The structures consist of λ/4-layers of SiO2 and TiO2 for the dielectric mirrors and a cavity layer of either SiO2 or the organic dye composite AlQ3/DCM. For the SiO2 cavity, we observe a polarization splitting at normal incidence leading to terahertz oscillations of transmitted coherent light. The polarization splitting is explained by an optical anisotropy of the dielectric layers caused by the fabrication process. We apply an up-conversion setup for temporally and spectrally resolved transmission measurements and obtain a corresponding beating of 1.25 THz. Time resolved measurements yield a Q-value of 1600, corresponding to a cavity photon lifetime of 0.65 ps. We explain our observations with a transfer-matrix model and introduce a Fourier-transform based analytical algorithm. The cavity filled with the organic dye composite can act as an organic microcavity laser. The birefringence of the distributed Bragg reflectors leads to lasing in two perpendicularly polarized modes. Investigations of the ultrafast dynamics of this laser system show a phase coupling of the two laser modes leading to the generation of a terahertz optical beat. The oscillation frequency can be widely tuned by variations in the fabrication process.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert Gehlhaar, Marko Swoboda, Markas Sudzius, Michael Hoffmann, Hartmut Fröb, Vadim G. Lyssenko, and Karl Leo "THz oscillations from optically anisotropic planar microcavities and organic microcavity lasers", Proc. SPIE 6368, Optoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application III, 63680P (13 October 2006);
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Optical microcavities

Dielectric polarization

Terahertz radiation

Refractive index



Modes of laser operation


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