29 January 2007 Edit while watching: home video editing made easy
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Proceedings Volume 6506, Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems; 65060L (2007)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2007, 2007, San Jose, CA, United States
In recent years, more and more people capture their experiences in home videos. However, home video editing still is a difficult and time-consuming task. We present the Edit While Watching system that allows users to automatically create and change a summary of a home video in an easy, intuitive and lean-back way. Based on content analysis, video is indexed, segmented, and combined with proper music and editing effects. The result is an automatically generated home video summary that is shown to the user. While watching it, users can indicate whether they like certain content, so that the system will adapt the summary to contain more content that is similar or related to the displayed content. During the video playback users can also modify and enrich the content, seeing immediately the effects of their changes. Edit While Watching does not require a complex user interface: a TV and a few keys of a remote control are sufficient. A user study has shown that it is easy to learn and to use, even if users expressed the need for more control in the editing operations and in the editing process.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marco Campanella, Hans Weda, and Mauro Barbieri "Edit while watching: home video editing made easy", Proc. SPIE 6506, Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems, 65060L (29 January 2007); Logo
Cited by 14 scholarly publications.
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