12 November 1986 Material Processing Laser Systems For Manufacturing
David R Taeusch, John M Ruselowski
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Raycon Corporation is a builder of quality machine tools. Combining this with applications expertise to produce high technology production machinery systems using EDM, lasers and other processing methods to solve our customers' production problems is our product. The company has several standard laser machine systems which can be constructed from standard building blocks. The number of axes and travel, the controller requirements, and the required laser type, size and manufacturer are discussed with our customers, and the system to meet their needs is decided upon. These requirements are then built into a processing system for manufacturing use. Several of these systems which are in the field are described, and their purposes and how they accomplish their task are explained. Also, types of YAG and C02 lasers available are described and their optimum use explained. Some specific examples of type versus applications are: YAG low-divergence lasers for trepanning heat-resistant alloys for jet engine turbines; YAG oscillator-amplifier lasers for percussion drilling of cooling holes in jet engine turbine blades; and several special laser machine systems for processing automotive parts are discussed. A few words on laser safety are included to allay some common fears concerning the use of laser technology in the factory environment.
© (1986) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David R Taeusch and John M Ruselowski "Material Processing Laser Systems For Manufacturing", Proc. SPIE 0668, Laser Processing: Fundamentals, Applications, and Systems Engineering, (12 November 1986); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Laser processing

Laser systems engineering

YAG lasers

Laser drilling

Laser applications

Carbon dioxide lasers



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