27 July 2007 Three-wave collinear acousto-optical coupled states in a crystal with a square-law nonlinearity and losses
Alexandre S. Shcherbakov, Sandra Eloisa Balderas Mata, Jewgenij Maximov, Eduardo Tepichin Rodriguez
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Proceedings Volume 6729, ICONO 2007: Coherent and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena; 67290Z (2007)
Event: The International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, 2007, Minsk, Belarus
We study theoretically an opportunity of shaping three-wave coupled states within a strong co-directional collinear acousto-optical interaction between two optical waves and the suffering losses acoustic pulses in a square-law nonlinear crystal. The developed analytical model for this process with the mismatched wave numbers describes a regime of coupled modes, which is considered analytically, using the first order approximations as well as qualitative estimations, and simulated numerically. The comparison of results from these two approaches demonstrates their acceptable agreement with each other. Three-wave collinear acousto-optical coupled states originating within such an interaction exhibit a remarkable asymmetry in shapes of their envelopes and a shift of extrema in the intensity distribution for each wave component.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alexandre S. Shcherbakov, Sandra Eloisa Balderas Mata, Jewgenij Maximov, and Eduardo Tepichin Rodriguez "Three-wave collinear acousto-optical coupled states in a crystal with a square-law nonlinearity and losses", Proc. SPIE 6729, ICONO 2007: Coherent and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena, 67290Z (27 July 2007);
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Numerical simulations

Process modeling


Nonlinear crystals

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