9 January 2008 Noncontact guide system for traveling elastic steel plates: vibration control performance for different guideway shapes
Hiroaki Kumagai, Yasuo Oshinoya, Kazuhisa Ishibashi, Hirakazu Kasuya
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Proceedings Volume 6794, ICMIT 2007: Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials; 67941T (2008)
Event: ICMIT 2007: Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials, 2007, Gifu, Japan
We have developed a noncontact guide system for a high-speed traveling elastic steel plate in which electromagnetic forces are applied by actuators at the edges of the plate to control its position. Recently, we have been examining a noncontact guide system, in which one of the loops of a belt-shaped thin steel plate is supported by a pulley, and another loop is guided without contact using electromagnets. It was confirmed experimentally that the loop shape of the thin steel plate changes with increasing traveling speed when no control is carried out. In this study, a basic examination of the technique for forming a guideway using electromagnets, in which the change in the uncontrolled loop shape is considered, was carried out. By comparing the results for guideways with several different shapes, the effect of the guideway shape on the vibration suppression performance of the steel plate was discussed experimentally. As a result, it was confirmed that the vibration suppression performance of the steel plate can be improved by adjusting the shape of the noncontact guide system that uses electromagnets to conform with that of the loop of the uncontrolled steel plate.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hiroaki Kumagai, Yasuo Oshinoya, Kazuhisa Ishibashi, and Hirakazu Kasuya "Noncontact guide system for traveling elastic steel plates: vibration control performance for different guideway shapes", Proc. SPIE 6794, ICMIT 2007: Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials, 67941T (9 January 2008);
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Digital signal processing

Control systems


Vibration control

Control systems design




Smart actuators for active vibration control
Proceedings of SPIE (July 27 1998)
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