22 January 2008 Analysis of the enrichment jet plane engine's UV image histogram
Shengli Chang, Xi Shen, Jiankun Yang, Juncai Yang
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It is a trend in the world now that uses state maintain method to maintain the jet plane's engine by taking advantage of the advanced UV sensors and UV CCD camera. Enrichment phenomenon is one of the most popular plane engine failures, and it has large damage to the plane engines. In this paper, a new technology will be introduced to determine plane engine's enrichment phenomenon by using UV image processing method. The new technology acquires the enrichment plane engine's UV images and then extracts the features by analyzing those UV image's histogram and other histogram's characteristics just like the mean value, the maximum value, the minimum value and the standard deviation of grey scale.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shengli Chang, Xi Shen, Jiankun Yang, and Juncai Yang "Analysis of the enrichment jet plane engine's UV image histogram", Proc. SPIE 6833, Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology V, 68330L (22 January 2008);
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Ultraviolet radiation

Image analysis

CCD cameras

Bandpass filters

Image filtering

Image processing

Image segmentation


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